Gale power search
gale US history
Gale world history
Gale literature resource center
Gale global issues in context
Gale opposing viewpoints in US history
Gale biography
Gale in context—Environmental Studies
Gale science
EBSCO science reference center
Summer Reading
2024 summer reading requirements for humanities classes. Don't wait! Check out the list now and make plans for success.
logo for the modern language association, or MLA CITATION information!
Link to MLA info on the Purdue OWL site. Everything is here: focus on the Works Cited page and on in-text citations, but there’s also info on how to incorporate quotes into your paper.
All the news that's fit to print, they say New York Times subscriptions
Do you need to set up access to your NY Times subscription using your CCS email? ... Did you lose access to your CCS/NYT account? ... Click here for instructions on setting your account up using your CCS email.